Impactor Quality Control – General Principles
- Roberts, D. L., C. M. Shelton, “A Practical Method for Eliminating Type I and Type II Errors when Assessing the Suitability for Continued Use of a Cascade Impactor,” Inhalation, April 2018, pages 12-16.
- Roberts, D. L., J. P. Mitchell, “Suitability of Used Impactors – Why the ‘Effective Diameter’ Criterion Needs the ‘Jet-to-Plate’ Criterion to Assure Measurement Capability in a Good Cascade Impactor Practice (CGIP) Environment,” Drug Delivery to the Lung 2017, Edinburgh, UK, The Aerosol Society, December 6 to 8, 2017, pg. 306-10.
- Mitchell, J. P., D. L. Roberts, Current approaches to APSD measurements of OIPs based on inertial impaction, In: TP Tougas, JP Mitchell, SA Lyapustina, (eds): Good cascade impactor practices, AIM and EDA for orally inhaled products. Springer, NY, USA, pp. 15-55 (2013).
- Nichols, S. C., J. P. Mitchell, C. M. Shelton, D. L. Roberts, “Good Cascade Impactor Practice (GCIP) and Considerations for ‘In-Use’ Specifications,” AAPS Pharm. Sci. Tech., 14(1), 375-90 (March 2013).
- Mitchell, J. P., D. L. Roberts, F. Chambers, A. Ali, C. Shelton, S. C. Nichols, “Cascade Impactor Calibration, Mensuration, and In-Use Qualification Methods: A Practical Guide,” Respiratory Drug Delivery 2010, Orlando, Florida, April 25-29, 2010; pages 173-184.
- Roberts, D. L., “Theory of Multi-Nozzle Impactor Stages and the Interpretation of Stage Mensuration Data,” Aerosol Sci. Tech., 43, 1119-29 (2009).
- Roberts, D. L., F. J. Romay, “Relationship of Stage Mensuration Data to the Performance of New and Used Cascade Impactors,” J. Aerosol Med., 18(4), 396-413 (2005).
- Shelton, C. M., J. P. Mitchell, D. L. Roberts, “Cascade Impactor Mensuration: Deciding the Important Specifications,” RDD Europe, Paris, France, May 25-27, 2005, pg. 29-34.
- Roberts, D. L., F. J. Romay, “Relationship of Stage Mensuration Data to the Performance of New and Used Cascade Impactors,” Drug Delivery to the Lung, The Aerosol Society, London, UK, December 9-10, 2004; pg. 68-71.